There are a number of traditional greetings appropriate to Chanukkah, including Chag Sameach (Happy Holidays), Chanukkah Sameach (Happy Chanukkah), and Chag Urim Sameach (Happy Festival of Lights). There is also the standard Facebook greeting intro of “To All Who Celebrate…” Chanukkah greetings are offered by friends and relatives, as well as retail stores and banks, and almost every politician. What online Chanukkah greeting was offered this year by a politician which has garnered a lot of online response?

Moose Menorah by Mark D. Zimmerman
A. Mike Pence tweeted “Happy Hanukkah! May the light that shines from every Menorah make the world a brighter and better place.” But the accompanying picture was of a 7-candle menorah instead of the correct 9-candle hanukiyah which is used for this holiday. Online responses included “Good try, but not quite, Mr. Vice President,” “So we know that you don’t have any actual Jews on your social media team, nice work,” and “Ay dios mio… I’m not Jewish and even I know you have the wrong menorah.”
B. Donald Trump tweeted a picture of a 7-candle menorah, and when he was criticized for not posting a picture of a 9-candle hanukiya, he responded, “There were 9 candles when I posted that picture, but two of the candles were stolen. I think any Jewish people that criticize that menorah – it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty. And by the way, did I mention that I have Jewish grandchildren?”
C. Bezalel Smotrich, the leader of the Israeli ultra-right wing Religious Zionist Party, is slated to be in the new government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu. Smotrich has advocated to change the Law of Return to limit Israeli citizenship only to Jews who are halachically Jewish (currently anyone who has one Jewish grandparent or who is married to a Jew can become a citizen under this law). He tweeted Chanukkah greetings reading “Chag Sameach to our Jewish brethren. And to be clear, this only applies to those of you who actually have a Jewish mother. Happy holidays to the rest of you.”
D. George Santos, newly elected Congressman representing parts of Queens and Long Island, tweeted a greeting saying, “As a proud Jew, a graduate of Baruch College (named after one of my fellow Jews), a landlord who received no rent for a year because of COVID (just like so many of my fellow Jewish New York landlords), a former employee of Goldman Sachs (a company founded by Jews and filled with Jews just like me) and the owner of an animal charity, Friends of Pets, which advocates for humane slaughtering of kosher animals, I wish all my constituents a merry Chanukkah.”
E. Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted, “May your Chanukkah be filled with light from the great Jewish space laser in the sky.”
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