A Quizbook of Jewish Trivia Facts & Fun

Supply Chain


Supply chain problems have led to shortages of many consumer products, including computer chips, breakfast cereal, running shoes, paint and more. What product has been in short supply recently which has affected the Jewish community?

Containers by russellstreet  is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

A. Chanukkah candles, causing many consumers to use birthday candles and even votive candles for their Chanukkah menorahs.

B. Cream cheese, leaving New York bagel stores scrambling to be able to fulfill orders for bagels with a shmear.

C. Parchment, which is holding up the production of new Torah scrolls, megillot, and mezuzah scrolls.

D. Kosher meat, resulting in more vegetarian or dairy Shabbat dinners in Jewish households.

E. Common sense and decency among many Republican politicians, who continue to compare COVID restrictions to those imposed on Jews during the Holocaust (just a short list includes Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, New York gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, Maine state Representative Heidi Sampson, Oklahoma Republican Party chairman John Bennett, North Carolina Representative Madison Cawthorn, and Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry).

Click here for the answer.

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